Yeh dil yeh pagal dil mera kyon bhuj gaya awargi
ये दिल ये पागल दिल मिरा क्यूँ बुझ गया आवारगी
Mohsin Naqvi was a Pakistani poet (born 05.05.1947- Died 15.01.1996 rather young). His given name was Ghulam abbas which he later changed to Ghulam Abbas Mohsin Naqvi. He obtained his Masters in Philosophy, from University of Punjab. He was known as the poet of ‘Ahl -e-bait’ ( Important person of poetry). He was an active member of the Shia community, which many believe was the reason for his assassination.
This gazal has a philosophical slant, wherein Awargi does not mean its literal translation of vagabondage or loafing but means listlessness, aimlessness. The beauty of the gazal is its simple words and capacity to touch the inner feelings and thereby developing a rapport with the reader and the listener.
Important words:
बुझ: getting extinguished, like a lamp; आवारगी: vagabondage, loafing, aimlessness may probably explain this concept!; दश्त:Desert, cemetry; बे-शक्ल:faceless; तन्हा: alone, lonely; तन्हाइयाँ:loneliness; वीराँ: Short form of वीरान,unpopulated, barren, उक्ता: getting bored; सबब: reason, cause; सम्त: all directions; वहशी: wild; ख़्वाहिशों: desires, wishes; ज़द:a blow, beating; पैमान-ए-वफ़ा :vows of faithfulness; धमक: sound and vibrations caused by falling of something heavy;
ये दिल ये पागल दिल मिरा क्यूँ बुझ गया आवारगी
इस दश्त में इक शहर था वो क्या हुआ आवारगी
This mad, insane heart of mine, why did it extinguish itself? In this deserted heart of mine there was a thriving city (meaning love)! So what happened? Awargi vagabondage, loafing, aimlessness may probably explain this change!
कल शब मुझे बे-शक्ल की आवाज़ ने चौंका दिया
मैं ने कहा तू कौन है? उस ने कहा आवारगी
Yesterday night the faceless one surprised me by hailing me!
I asked ‘who are you? and his answer : Awargi : vagabondage, loafing, aimlessness !
(Here बे-शक्ल the faceless refers to his own conscience. Please note how subtle is the hint!)
लोगो भला इस शहर में कैसे जिएँगे हम?
जहाँ हो जुर्म तन्हा सोचना लेकिन सज़ा आवारगी
Oh people of this city, how can I survive here?
In this city of yours, thinking separately, differently is a crime and punishment for it: Awargi !
(If I think differently I am likely to be persecuted)
इक तू कि सदियों से, मेरे हम-राह भी हम-राज़ भी
इक मैं कि तेरे नाम से नआशना आवारगी
Since ages you are the only one, both my fellow traveller and confidant!
I am the one who is not in love of your name: Awargi !
(Here the poet appears to be talking about the God, as also his own conscience)
ये दर्द की तन्हाइयाँ ये दश्त का वीराँ सफ़र
हम लोग तो उक्ता गए अपनी सुना आवारगी
This loneliness of pain, this passage through the lonely desert, graveyard!
I am sick of this litany of loneliness! You tell about your Awargi !
इक अजनबी झोंके ने जब पूछा मिरे ग़म का सबब
सहरा की भीगी रेत पर मैं ने लिखा आवारगी
An unknown whiff of breeze ( His own conscience ) asked me the reason of my sadness!
I wrote on the wet sand of the desert: Awargi !
उस सम्त वहशी ख़्वाहिशों की ज़द में पैमान-ए-वफ़ा
उस सम्त लहरों की धमक कच्चा घड़ा आवारगी
My vows of faithfulness in face of hammering of wild desires!
That heavy sound of waves, on a weak pitcher ( meaning his weak conviction) : awargi!
कल रात तन्हा चाँद को देखा था मैं ने ख़्वाब में
‘मोहसिन’ मुझे रास आएगी शायद सदा आवारगी
Yesterday night in my dream I saw the lonely moon!
Oh Mohsin, it appears I will be always enamoured of Awargi !
I hope I have been able to convey some of the very complicated concepts entwined in this seemingly simple gazal. I know my limitations and there are many, still I request your indulgence!
Gulam Ali:
OK, Ok, Ok! I promise to write nothing more about him!
As though I could!!
Mansur Valera is a gazal singer from Morvi district, in Gujrat, who is singing this gazal as a tribute to Gulam Ali.
Here Manjari has sung the same gazal in an entirely different style. Enjoy the difference! Manjari has appeared in my blogs so manty times that she needs no introduction.
Here a very young boy Shivam is singing the gazal and is imparting a new dimension to the enjoyment. I could not get any information about him.
Please enjoy the bouquet presented .
Take care!