POST 10: Mujhse Pehlee See Mohabbat Mere Mehboob Na Maang
मुझ से पहली सी मोहब्बत मेरे महबूब ना माँग
This is a ghazal that evokes mixed reactions. There is a strong undercurrent of facts of life,mixed with the longing for love .Faiz Ahmed Faiz penned this ghazal. He was one of the most celebrated poets in Pakistan .He migrated to Pakistan at the time of partition.He died in 1984, at the age of 73. He was an established Marxist thinker and it comes out clearly in his poetry. Even in this ghazal, there is mention of cruelty to women, reality of prostitution and assertion that love is not the only truth.
This ghazal has been sung by many but the most famous rendition is by beautiful singer actor Noor Jehan, again a famous artist in pre -partition India who shifted to Pakistan.
Important words:
दरख़्शां shining, brilliant resplendent ;हयात life;ग़म-ए-दहर sorrow of the world;सबात stability, durability,strength;Taरीक Darkness; बहिमाना , dreadful,animal like; तलिस्म spell,illusion; कमख़ाब a type of costly cloth; अमराज diseases; तन्नूरों ovens ;वस्ल meeting, union
मुझ से पहली सी मोहब्बत, मेरे महबूब, न माँग -
मैंने समझा था के तू है तो दरख़्शां है हयात
तेरा ग़म है तो ग़म-ए-दहर का झगड़ा क्या है
Oh my love,
please do not expect the same intensity and fervour of love,
that I had bestowed earlier,
the love that I had bestowed on you,
I had presumed that with you there,
the world is full of light and brilliance,
As long as I had your love,
where was the question of sorrows of the world?
तेरी सूरत से है आलम में बहारों को सबात
तेरी आँखों के सिवा दुनिया में रक्खा क्या है ?
Your face has the milieu of a permanent sense of bloom,
there is nothing in this world beyond the beauty of your eyes.
तू जो मिल जाए तो तक़दीर निगों हो जाए
यूँ न था, मैंने फ़क़त चाहा था यूँ हो जाए
With you in my life, I would have been fortunate beyond expectation ,
It is not as though I had just wanted, that it may so happen .
मुझ से पहली सी मोहब्बत, मेरे महबूब, न माँग
अनगिनत सदियों के तारीक बहिमाना तलिस्
रेश-ओ-अठलस-ओ-कमख़ाब-ओ-बाज़ार में
Since centuries, there have been dreadful allurements, illusions, masking animal like behaviour,
There is nothing except corpses wrapped in costly silks, satins or brocade, are on display in the market.
जिस्म ख़ाक में लितड़े हुए ख़ून में नहलाए हुए
लौट जाती है इधर को भी नज़र क्या कीजे
Bodies covered in dust, bathed in blood,
My eyes turn to these realities, what am I to do?
अब भी दिलकश है तेरा हुस्न, मग़र क्या कीजे
और भी दुख हैं ज़माने में मोहब्बत के सिवा
राहतें और भी हैं वस्ल की राहत के सिवा
मुझ से पहली सी मोहब्बत, मेरे महबूब, न माँग
Even now your beauty is bewitching, but how can I do?
The World is full of sorrows, despair and hurt,
There are other reliefs , releases and succor, besides the pleasure of reunion with you my love.
Oh my love please do not expect same ardour in my love for you.
The same ghazal has also been sung by Radhika Chopra. Her singing is entirely different from that of Noor Jehan, but is so powerful that resisting is not possible. Please listen to her and enjoy the fine distinctions!
So here is the weekend dose of pleasure.