Post 29: Chupke Chupke Rat Din

Prabhat Dayal
5 min readJan 23, 2021


चुपके चुपके रात दिन

Ghulam Ali, Hasrat Mohani and Jagjeet Singh

Amongst the most popular Ghazals ever, this ghazal was written by Hasrat Mohani. Hasrat Mohani was the pen name of Indian ghazal writer Syed Fazi-ul-Hasan. He was born in 1875 and died after the independence, in 1951. He was a member of the Indian National Congress and is reputed to have coined the slogan INQUILAB ZINDABAD. He, together with Swami Kumaranand , was the first to demand complete independence in 1921. He was a member of the Constituent Assembly, which drafted the Indian Constitution.

This ghazal has been sung by two stalwarts namely Jagjit singh and Ghulam Ali. I have included both the versions below.

Chupke Chupke Rat Din: Jagjit Singh

This ghazal became hugely popular after it was included in the film Nikah. This version was sung by Ghulam Ali. The film version has only three shers. It always happens that shers that have difficult Urdu words or expressions get omitted. I have included all the 17 shers and translated them. I am sure it would add to your pleasure.

Chupke Chupke Rat Din: Nikaah

Important Words:

दफ्फातन: suddenly; अज राह-ऐ-लिहाज़: By way of being considerate; ज़िक्र-ए-फिराक: mention of parting; बा-हज़ाराँ इज़्तिराब:thousands of restlessness; :सद-हज़ाराँ इश्तियाक़: hundred thousand longings; ग़ुर्फ: window; क़स्द-ए-पा-बोसी: effort to kiss her feet; कार-ख़ाना: enterprise, industry; सोहबत-ए-राज़-ओ-नियाज़: secret companionship; बरगश्ता:upset,angry; बे-दस्त-ओ-पा: helpless; बावजूद-ए-इद्दिया-ए-इत्तिक़ा: despite claim of being careful; अहद-ए-हवस: era of lust

चुपके चुपके रात दिन आँसू बहाना याद है
हम को अब तक आशिकी का वो ज़माना याद है

I still remember her silently shedding tears all the night!

I still remember those stages of being in love!!

खैंच लेना वो मेरा परदे का कोना दफ्फातन
और दुपट्टे से तेरा वो मुंह छुपाना याद है

I still remember suddenly, pulling the corner of the curtain,

And you covering your face with the loose scarf

दोपहर की धूप में मेरे बुलाने के लिए
वो तिरा कोठे पे नंगे पाँव आना याद है

I remember your coming barefoot to the roof ,

in the afternoon, in hot sun, at my request,

तुझ से मिलते ही वो कुछ बेबाक हो जाना मेरा
और तेरा दांतों में वो उंगली दबाना याद है

I remember my becoming so bold and forward, on just meeting you,

And your silent consent by biting on your own finger!

तुझ को जब तनहा कभी पाना तो अज राह-ऐ-लिहाज़
हाल-ऐ-दिल बातों ही बातों में जताना याद है

Whenever I found you alone, as a consideration to decency,

My expressing the condition of my heart, in a secret vein, I remember!

आ गया गर वस्ल की शब् भी कहीं ज़िक्र-ए-फिराक
वो तेरा रो-रो के भी मुझको रुलाना याद है

During the night of our arraignment, even if there was a mention of parting.

You would start weeping so uncontrollably, that even I would start weeping!

बा-हज़ाराँ इज़्तिराब ओ सद-हज़ाराँ इश्तियाक़
तुझ से वो पहले-पहल दिल का लगाना याद है

With thousands of restlessness's and hundred thousands of longings,

I still remember those early days of being in love!

बार बार उठना उसी जानिब निगाह-ए-शौक़ का
और तिरा ग़ुर्फ़े से वो आँखें लड़ाना याद है

Again and again my love filled eyes would rise in your direction!

And your responding to my look of love from the window, I still remember!!

जान कर सोता तुझे वो मिरा क़स्द-ए-पा-बोसी
और तिरा ठुकरा के सर वो मुस्कुराना याद है

Mistakenly thinking that you were asleep, my effort to kiss your feet!

And your act of ignoring of your conquest , with a smile, I still remember!!

जब सिवा मेरे तुम्हारा कोई दीवाना न था
सच कहो कुछ तुम को भी वो कार-ख़ाना याद है

When you had no other admirer, besides me,

Please tell the truth, even you remember that effort and industry on my part!

ग़ैर की नज़रों से बच कर सब की मर्ज़ी के ख़िलाफ़
वो तिरा चोरी-छुपे रातों को आना याद है

Against the wishes of one and all,

and protecting yourself from the eyes of the rivals,

I still remember your coming clandestinely, in the night

आज तक नज़रों में है वो सोहबत-ए-राज़-ओ-नियाज़
अपना जाना याद है तेरा बुलाना याद है

Even today I have before my eyes that sensation of secret company,

My going and your calling me, I remember!

मीठी मीठी छेड़ कर बातें निराली प्यार की
ज़िक्र दुश्मन का वो बातों में उड़ाना याद है

I remember, your practice of starting sweet talk of love,

Your style of avoiding, off handedly, any mention of my rivals.

देखना मुझ को जो बरगश्ता तो सौ सौ नाज़ से
जब मना लेना तो फिर ख़ुद रूठ जाना याद है

If you ever noticed me angry or upset, you would make me reconcile with hundreds and hundreds of graces !

Once I reconciled, you would then yourself become estranged, I remember!

चोरी चोरी हम से तुम आ कर मिले थे जिस जगह
मुद्दतें गुज़रीं पर अब तक वो ठिकाना याद है

The venue where we used to meet clandestinely,

Ages have passed but I still remember that location.

शौक़ में मेहंदी के वो बे-दस्त-ओ-पा होना तिरा
और मिरा वो छेड़ना वो गुदगुदाना याद है

I know your love of hennaed hands, although they made you helpless!

I remember my pleasure in teasing you and tickling you!!

बावजूद-ए-इद्दिया-ए-इत्तिक़ा 'हसरत' मुझे
आज तक अहद-ए-हवस का वो फ़साना याद है

O Hasrat, despite claim of being cautious and careful!

I still remember those episodes of that long era of lust!!

Hope you enjoy the beauty and passion of this heart touching ghazal and multiply the pleasure of the long weekend!

Happy Republic Day 2021!!!




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