Post 4:# Baazaar, Dikhai Deeye Yun. बाज़ार : दिखाई दिए यू’

Prabhat Dayal
3 min readAug 1, 2020


# Requested by Dr. Mrs. Kanika Varma

Meer Taqi Meer

दिखाई दिए यूँ कि बे-ख़ुद किया
हमें आप से भी जुदा कर चले

When you appeared, I became senseless,

I lost myself,lost

all sense of who I am,

so much so

that you separated me

from myself.

जबीं सज्दा करते ही करते गई
हक़-ए-बंदगी हम अदा कर चले

Once I wished you, with my forehead on the floor,I kept on wishing you

paid the price of reverence, of homage,of being a follower.

परस्तिश की याँ तक कि ऐ बुत तुझे
नज़र में सभी की ख़ुदा कर चले

Oh you heartless idol, unresponsive statue,

I venerated you so much to the limits of all limits ,

That I made you into a God in everybody’s perception!

बहुत आरज़ू थी गली की तेरी
सो यहाॅ से लहू में नहा कर चले

really wanted to be with you, live with you in your street,

But with a heavy heart that feels like a bloodbath I leave you.

This is the film version of the ghazal that has been adapted to the requirements of the film. The original ghazal written by shayar Meer Taqui Meer has many more couplets.

Also in the picture a female artist is shown singing this ghazak, although the original ghazal appears to be asexual if not meant to be sung by a man.

I reproduce the remaining couplets and translate them also.

फ़क़ीराना आए सदा कर चले
कि म्याँ ख़ुश रहो हम दुआ कर चले

Came like a beggar and proclaimed,

Loved one, I wish you happiness

जो तुझ बिन न जीने को कहते थे हम
सो इस अहद को अब वफ़ा कर चले

As I said I would not live without you, so

I am leaving behind my life, being faithful to my promise

(अहद promise)

शिफ़ा अपनी तक़दीर ही में न थी
कि मक़्दूर तक तो दवा कर चले

Getting cured was not in my fate,

Although tried all medicines to the best of my ability

( शिफ़ा getting cured. मक़दूर capacity,ability)

पड़े ऐसे अस्बाब पायान-ए-कार
कि नाचार यूँ जी जला कर चले

Ultimately things became so

helpless that my heart developed a heartburn.

( पायानेकार ultimately )

वो क्या चीज़ है आह जिस के लिए
हर इक चीज़ से दिल उठा कर चले

What is heartfelt torment for which

I expelled everything from my heart

कोई ना-उमीदाना करते निगाह
सो तुम हम से मुँह भी छुपा कर चले

I would have looked at you hopelessly,

So you avoided even looking at me,

झड़े फूल जिस रंग गुलबुन से यूँ
चमन में जहाँ के हम आ कर चले

Even flowers fell from the shrub of roses ,

In the garden of the world,

from where I departed or passed

न देखा ग़म-ए-दोस्ताँ शुक्र है
हमीं दाग़ अपना दिखा कर चले

Thank God I did not have to look at the sorrow of my friend,

I left showing my hurt and heartburns.

गई उम्र दर-बंद-ए-फ़िक्र-ए-ग़ज़ल
सो इस फ़न को ऐसा बड़ा कर चले

Spent my life writing ghazals,

So made this skill so great

कहें क्या जो पूछे कोई हम से 'मीर'
जहाँ में तुम आए थे क्या कर चले

O Meer,what am I to reply?

If asked what did I do

in this World

with my life ?

So see your all with a beautiful ghazal about language of love.



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