Post 53: Dil Sarapa Arzoo Hai In Dino
दिल सरापा आरज़ू है इन दिनो
So we come to this 53rd blog which coincides with one year of writing, posting, reading, sharing and evaluating blogs , translating popular ghazals, to make my friends understand the beauty of Urdu language, intricacies of thought in ghazal writing, penmanship and then singing or recitation of these ghazals in so many different ways that the pleasure is multiplied. Thank you for being a constant companion in this journey!
This week is very special for our family as we celebrate two birthdays in this week. First on 8th of July, which is the birthday of our grand daughter Prashali , daughter of Prashant and Aali. She is my senior by four days! Her birthday was celebrated with lot of gusto. Ansa and I had baked a cake in star shape, which was cut promptly at 12 midnight, followed by a quick fire round of quiz, with 12 questions based on a series of films Prashali, Prashant and Aali had been watching and Prashali got 12 gifts for 12 correct answers although the 12th answer had needed some help. This quiz was a variation from previous years when Prashali used to treasure hunt.
Six of Prashali’s friends, besides my grandsons Apoorv and Akshit, sons of Ashish and Pallavi my daughter, had arrived at about one in the afternoon and they continued to run, jump, skip, shout, eat and then eat some more, till eight in the evening! I am amazed at the energy they have. God bless them all!
This is my birthday week and Ansa my dear wife has agreed to sing a ghazal that she is fond of. This is not a very popular ghazal but is so beautiful I fail to understand how things work. It appears Mubarak Begum had sung this ghazal, sold in an EP (Extended Play) record, in 1974 although I could not get an audio or even the lyrics. I do not even know who the lyricist is ? Still the ghazal is presented here for your pleasure.
Important words:
सरापा: from bottom to top, from head to foot; आरज़ू: wish, hope ,desire; जुस्तजू: search; खुमारी: under intoxication; चारसू: all around, everywhere
दिल सरापा आरज़ू है इन दिनों
मैं नही हूं तू ही तू है इन दिनों
These days my heart from bottom to top, from head to toe, is full of you and your thoughts!
I am just not there , as though I don't exist or matter.
खोये खोये जाने क्यूं रहते हैं हम?
जाने किस की जुस्तजू है इन दिनों?
These days I remain lost in thoughts all day.
I don't know what am I searching these days?
इक नशा है तुम्हारे नाम का
इक खुमारी चारसू है इन दिनों
Your name has an intoxication of its own!
These days I remain inebriated, stupefied completely, all the day,!!
इश्क दरिया आग का मालूम है मालूम है!
जलती जलती एक लौ है इन दिनों
I know to be in love is like to be in a torrent of fire!
Still there is a small flame of life glowing these days.
When I started writing this blog, on my 75th birthday, I had presumed that I would close it after completing a year but so many of my friends and relatives want me to not stop .I do not have the wherewithal to refuse such lovely pressure and have decided to publish on first and fifteenth of every month. Also I am falling short of popular and beautiful ghazals and would appreciate suggestions from you all. I do receive requests for translation of some beautiful ghazals from films but generally the lyrics are so simple that there is no need for translation .
I take this opportunity to thank my wife Ansa, Charu Mathur, wife of my first cousin Atul Mathur, who teaches English at the University of Rajasthan and Prashant my son, for their help in ideas and suggestions. Ansa has been a constant source of encouragement and has been a sounding board for ideas. Charu for examining the blog for mistakes, comments on use of appropriate words and suggestions about suitability of expressions. Prashant, my media consultant, has been literally putting the blog together what with addition of photos of lyricists, singers and others and injecting the videos and juxtaposing all these. My media consultant is better than GOOD!
Thank you all for your interest, encouragement, suggestions and involvement with the blog. It has been a pleasure and I hope you have enjoyed the journey as much as I have. Have a great weekend!!