POST 68: Un Ke Aatae He Bhari Bazm Ke Aausan Gayae

Prabhat Dayal
3 min readMar 1, 2022


उन के आते ही भरी बज़म के औसान गये

This ghazal is very close to my heart. Despite my best efforts I have not been able to find out who wrote it as also I have not been able to find any recordings whether audio or video.

Now today, the Twenty-sixth of February 2022, Ansa my wife, is presenting this ghazal on our 51st marriage anniversary. Hope you enjoy it!

Ansa and her guru have set this gazal in rag ‘Yaman’. Yaman is a rag sung from sunset to late night. It is a heptatonic rag of Indian classical music in Kalyan thaat. Legend has it that Aamir Khusro renamed it Yaman from Kalyan, in the thirteenth century. This is a live recording in a single sitting, without any break. She is accompanied on harmonium by guru Jatin Kumar Dey.

Important words:

बज़म: gathering, meeting, place where music is performed;औसान: sensibility, wisdom; दीदार: face to face sight of the beloved;महरूम:denied, ,deprived; वस्ल की शब: night of assignation;

उन के आते ही भरी बज़म के औसान गये

दिल गया नज़रे गयीं लोगों के ईमान गए

Just as she entered the congregation, every one in the entire gathering lost his senses, wisdom!

People lost their hearts, their ability to judge correctly and even their faith in God!!

वादा करके भी दीदार से रक्खा महरूम

आप की छेड़ हुई लोग परेशाँन गये

Even after promising, you contrived to deprive me the pleasure of meeting you in person!

For you it was just some fun or frolic, but I was devastated, so tormented, upset!!

ग़म छुपाने के लिये भेस बदल कर निकला

मुझको दुश्मन मेरी रफ्तार से पहचान गये!

To hide my sorrow I ventured out in disguise!

My enemies could still identify me sensing my speed!!

वस्ल की शब मुझे सीने से लगा कर बोले

लीजिए आप के जितने भी थे एहसान गये

On the night of the assignation, she embraced me ,held me in her arms and proclaimed!

“Take it from me, this here repays all your numerous favours !!!!!”

Oh what a pleasurable repayment!!

First March is also the marriage anniversary of our dear friend Brijendra Kumar Surana. Happy anniversary B.K. and Anita.

Take care.

Enjoy all your days as each one is precious!



Our research has brought out a dust jacket of an ‘Extended Play- EP’ record, of the ‘Gramophone Company of India’ which shows that this gazal was penned by Shadaab and sung by Belasaveer, under music direction of Yunis Malik. The record is still not available. Nothing is known to me, about these three.



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