POST 97: Shauq har rang raqeeb -e-sar -o-samma nikla
शौक़ हर रंग रक़ीब-ए-सर-ओ-सामाँ निकला
This is yet another gazal by Mirza Beg Asadullah Khan popularly known as Mirza Ghalib (27.12 .1797- 15.02.1869), describing the realities of life and travails of a poor lover. One has to imagine the society, small and congested city of Delhi, where living was a community affair, very little or no privacy. Everyone knew everyone and meeting a lady alone was next to impossible! The only recourse was professionals! Like so many others, he also was in love with a singing and dancing girl locally called a domni. Nothing seems to have inspired his poetic mindset as she did, in her many moods of cruelty, rudeness, coquetry and of course love. She died early and left him heartbroken.
That long list of important words is testimony to the fact that Ghalib used several expressions borrowed from other languages.
Muhammad Rafi ( born 24.12.1924 -31.07.1980) has sung many many non-filmi gazals, bhajans, quawalli, naat as also classical compositions. He had sung for more than a thousand films! His ability to mould his voice to match the voice of the actor lip-syncing, was phenomenal. Here he sings this gazal in his soulful voice.
He was awarded ‘Padma shree’ in 1967.
Asha Bhosle ( born 08.09.1933) is a stalwart who needs no introduction. Suffice it to say she puts her heart and soul in every musical composition. In 2008, she was awarded ‘Padma Vibhushan’- the second highest civilian award in India.
Gulam Ali ( Born 05.12.1940) a Pakistani singer belonging to the Patiala Gharana, was a disciple of Bade Ghulam Ali Khan.
Important words:
शौक़:fondness, love, can be substituted by ishq; रक़ीब-ए-सर-ओ-सामाँ:rival, enemy of prerequisites of survival, ornamentation; क़ैस: real name of ‘ majnu’; उर्यां: naked, bare; ज़ख़्म: wound; दाद: praise, appreciation or justice; तंगी-ए-दिल: narrow heartedness; सीना-ए-बिस्मिल: chest of one who has diedor hurt; पर-अफ़्शाँ: one who flutters the wings, with wings widespread; दूद-ए-चराग़-ए-महफ़िल: smoke emitted by lamps in an assembly; दिल-ए-हसरत-ज़दा:heart full of unfulfilled desires ; माइदा-ए-लज़्ज़त-ए-दर्द: exaltation, pleasure of agony, extreme pain; ब-क़दर-ए-लब-ओ-दंदाँ: value of lips and teeth; नौ-आमूज़-ए-फ़ना: new learner of morality; हिम्मत-ए-दुश्वार-पसंद: courage of one who is fond of hardships; गिर्ये: uncontrolled weeping; जुनूँ: madness, साग़र-ए-जल्वा-ए-सरशार: goblet of intoxication, ecstasy,सरशार means a goblet filled to the brim, ready to spill; शौक़-ए-दीदार: pleasure of seeing, glimpse of the beloved; पैकाँ: the sharp tip of the arrow; नक़्श-ए-हर-ज़र्रा:imprint on every particle of dust; सुवैदा-ए-बयाबाँ: सुवैदा means an imaginary black spot on the heart, here it means that black spot in the desert; शोर-ए-रुसवाई-ए-दिल: clamour of the humiliation of the heart; यक-नाला-ए-शौक: one sorrow of love; शोख़ी-ए-रंग-ए-हिना: redness or naughtiness of colour of henna; ख़ून-ए-वफ़ा: murder of faithfulness; 0 अहद-शिकन:breaker of promise; पशेमाँ: remorseful, ashamed; माज़ूर-ए-जुनूँ: handicapped by madness, frenzy, ख़ाना-ख़राब: one who ruins his own family life, unfortunate, vagabond; बयाबाँ :desert, wilderness;
शौक़ हर रंग रक़ीब-ए-सर-ओ-सामाँ निकला
क़ैस तस्वीर के पर्दे में भी उर्यां निकला
Being in love, in its all hues ,shades, variants is the greatest bar to gather bare necessities of life!
(Majnu, the legendary lover of Laila, died in the desert, in penury with hardly any clothes on him and is illustrated in paintings in nude!!)
Kaais (Actual name of Majnu) even in paintings is shown to be dishevelled, scantily clad or naked.
ज़ख़्म ने दाद न दी तंगी-ए-दिल की या रब
तीर भी सीना-ए-बिस्मिल से पर-अफ़्शाँ निकला
Oh God, even the wound did not bring solace or justice to the shrivelled heart!
The arrow was extracted from the chest of the poor injured with fins extended !!
( Implying great unbearable pain caused by the beloved who ignored the plight of the poor lover, as though an arrow with its fins spread, was being extracted from the body of the hurt)
बू-ए-गुल, नाला-ए-दिल, दूद-ए-चराग़-ए-महफ़िल
जो तिरी बज़्म से निकला सो परेशाँ निकला
Smell of flowers, wailing of the heart and smoke emitted by the lamps!
Who ever left your congregation came out perplexed, harassed, vexed!!
दिल-ए-हसरत-ज़दा था माइदा-ए-लज़्ज़त-ए-दर्द
काम यारों का ब-क़दर-ए-लब-ओ-दंदाँ निकला
The heart full of desires was laden with the taste of grief, agony and extreme pain!
The support of friends was limited to lips sympathy and display of teeth!
Note: This sher hereunder is considered by some as the matla-first sher, of this gazal.
थी नौ-आमूज़-ए-फ़ना हिम्मत-ए-दुश्वार-पसंद
सख़्त मुश्किल है कि ये काम भी आसाँ निकला
The lover was learning the need for mortality and still had courage of one prepared and fond of hardships!
It is such a dilemma that even this difficult job turned out to be so easy!!
दिल में फिर गिर्ये ने इक शोर उठाया 'ग़ालिब'
आह जो क़तरा न निकला था सो तूफ़ाँ निकला
Oh Ghalib, my heart again has raised a commotion as it has an urge to weep uncontrollably!
Those small tear drops which were not expelled, have raised such a tumult!!
Note: The following shers have not been published although these were part of the gazal as written by Ghalib and included in ‘Diwan-e- Ghalib’.!
कार-ख़ाने से जुनूँ के भी मैं उर्यां निकला
मेरी क़िस्मत का न एक-आध गरेबाँ निकला
From the complex of madness, I came out naked, exposed !
My misfortune that I did not have even a shoulder to weep on !!
साग़र-ए-जल्वा-ए-सरशार है हर ज़र्रा-ए-ख़ाक
शौक़-ए-दीदार बला आइना-सामाँ निकला
Every small particle of dust is showing its splendour like a goblet filled to the brim!
The pleasure of seeing the beloved turned out to be like a mirror, supremely revealing!!
कुछ खटकता था मिरे सीने में लेकिन आख़िर
जिस को दिल कहते थे सो तीर का पैकाँ निकला
Some knocking, something bothersome in my chest, may be my heart!
What they called heart ultimately turned out to be the pointed end of the arrow!!
किस क़दर ख़ाक हुआ है दिल-ए-मजनूँ यारब
नक़्श-ए-हर-ज़र्रा सुवैदा-ए-बयाबाँ निकला
Oh dear friend how thoroughly heart of Majnu was turned to dust, ashes?
Every particle of dust turned out to be the blackness of the lonely desert!!
शोर-ए-रुसवाई-ए-दिल देख कि यक-नाला-ए-शौक़
लाख पर्दे में छुपा पर वही उर्यां निकला
Look at the clamour of humiliation of the heart, sorrow of love!
Love even in multiple layers of veils revealed its bareness!!
शोख़ी-ए-रंग-ए-हिना ख़ून-ए-वफ़ा से कब तक
आख़िर ऐ अहद-शिकन तू भी पशेमाँ निकला
How long can lack of faith be covered in brightness and colour of henna?
Ultimately even you, the promise breaker, came out repentant!
जौहर-ईजाद-ए-ख़त-ए-सब्ज़ है ख़ुद-बीनी-ए-हुस्न
जो न देखा था सो आईने में पिन्हाँ निकला
Glamour of the jewel is like perception of its own beauty !
What I had never seen before was found hidden in the mirror!!
मैं भी माज़ूर-ए-जुनूँ हूँ 'असद' ऐ ख़ाना-ख़राब
पेशवा लेने मुझे घर से बयाबाँ निकला
O Asad, handicapped by frenzy of madness you have been the ruin of your own home !
The desert came out up front to my home to receive me!!
What beautiful narration of human feeling!
Hope you enjoyed the gazal sung by these accomplished singers.
22nd was the marriage anniversary of my nephew Prateek and Parul. Happy anniversary dear Prateek and Parul. Last year we had joined you at Dubai for the celebrations!