POST 98: Bazicha-e-Atfal hai dunia mere agae
बाज़ीचा-ए-अतफ़ाल है दुनिया मिरे आगे
This again is a gazal penned by Mirza Ghalib and again the list of important words is long! Here he has borrowed several words from Arabic and Persian. It is a philosophical composition where the effort is to understand the World. Ghalib felt the whole world is an illusion! Ghalib compares the World with a playground for children! The whole gazal has a sense of excessive self esteem, bordering on shades of egotism. The characteristic of a gazal is that all shers do not have to deal with the same subject and can have several variations.
Important words:
बाज़ीचा-ए-अतफ़ाल: a small playground for the children; शब-ओ-रोज़: every day and night; औरंग-ए-सुलैमाँ: throne of Solomon; एजाज़-ए-मसीहा: miracle of the God, massiah; जुज़ : except, fragment or part; सूरत-ए-आलम: appearance of the World; हस्ती-ए-अशिया: life of things; निहाँ: hidden, inner pain; जबीं: forehead, ख़ुद-बीन: proud, arrogant, vain; ख़ुद-आरा: self adorer, someone who cares for his or her grooming, ; बुत-ए-आइना-सीमा: silvery mirror, idol; अंदाज़-ए-गुल-अफ़्शानी-ए-गुफ़्तार : flowery style of conversation; पैमाना-ए-सहबा: glass of wine, measure of wine; गुमाँ: the word is guman: guess, pride, vanity; रश्क: envy, rivalry; कुफ़्: atheism, repudiation of Islam,obstinacy; कलीसा: church or synagogue; माशूक़-फ़रेबी: deception of the beloved; वस्ल: assignation; शब-ए-हिज्राँ: night of separation; मौजज़न: flowing with waves; क़ुल्ज़ुम-ए-ख़ूँ: river of blood; जुम्बिश: absense of movement, lack of strength; हम-मशरब: a fellow boozer, of same habits;
In Urdu addition of CHA to a word denotes it’s smaller version. Like here BAZI means game but BAZICHA (Arabic) means small game. Also dar means a door but DARICHA means a small door or window. Addition of A to a word makes it a plural ,like here tifl means a child but ATFAL means children as also alfaz is plural of lafz , asher is plural of sher. Also khabar becomes akhabar. Ashiaya is plural of shiay.
This gazal was sung by Jagjit Singh for the serial ‘Ghalib’ as also as an independent presentation. Both the versions are beautiful and convey the mood of the gazal.
Jagjit Singh singing for the TV serial ‘ghalib’
बाज़ीचा-ए-अतफ़ाल है दुनिया मिरे आगे
होता है शब-ओ-रोज़ तमाशा मिरे आगे
As I see, the whole World is like a children’s small playground !
Every day and night there is an illusion, a spectacle happening before me!!
इक खेल है औरंग-ए-सुलैमाँ मिरे नज़दीक
इक बात है एजाज़-ए-मसीहा मिरे आगे
The concept of throne of Solomon ( reputed to be able to fly) is a farce , a game to me!
To my way of thinking ability of Christ, to revive the dead is not a miracle but is just a story!!
जुज़ नाम नहीं सूरत-ए-आलम मुझे मंज़ूर
जुज़ वहम नहीं हस्ती-ए-अशिया मिरे आगे
Face of the World as it appears is just a name and is not acceptable to me!
In this World all the things however precious are like an illusion as I understand it!!
होता है निहाँ गर्द में सहरा मिरे होते
घिसता है जबीं ख़ाक पे दरिया मिरे आगे
When I arrive there is so much dust swirling around that even the vast desert becomes invisible, is concealed!
Even the river rubs its forehead in the dust before me!!
मत पूछ कि क्या हाल है मेरा तिरे पीछे
तू देख कि क्या रंग है तेरा मिरे आगे
Do not ask me what is my condition because of your absence ?
Just observe how uncomfortable are you in my presence ? In your absence my condition is similar to yours!
सच कहते हो ख़ुद-बीन ओ ख़ुद-आरा हूँ न क्यूँ हूँ
बैठा है बुत-ए-आइना-सीमा मिरे आगे
You say in truth, I am proud and arrogant, am a self admirer and why not?
While sitting before me is the silver idol herself with forehead shining like a mirror!
फिर देखिए अंदाज़-ए-गुल-अफ़्शानी-ए-गुफ़्तार
रख दे कोई पैमाना-ए-सहबा मिरे आगे
Observe again my style of flowery eloquent conversation as though flowers are being showered!
Oh, please just keep a goblet of wine before me and then see my excellence!!
नफ़रत का गुमाँ गुज़रे है मैं रश्क से गुज़रा
क्यूँ कर कहूँ लो नाम न उन का मिरे आगे
On mention of her name, a strong feeling of hatred passes before me as I suffer envy!
How can I say please do not mention her name in my presence?
ईमाँ मुझे रोके है जो खींचे है मुझे कुफ़्र
काबा मिरे पीछे है कलीसा मिरे आगे
My honesty, my faith stop me when atheism pulls me towards nonbelief in Khuda!
ka’ba is behind me while church and synagogue are in front of me!!
आशिक़ हूँ प माशूक़-फ़रेबी है मिरा काम
मजनूँ को बुरा कहती है लैला मिरे आगे
I am a lover although deceiving the beloved is my main trait!
So much so that because of me, even Laila says Majnu is not the best lover !!
ख़ुश होते हैं पर वस्ल में यूँ मर नहीं जाते
आई शब-ए-हिज्राँ की तमन्ना मिरे आगे
One does not die just because meeting the beloved makes one happy!
Once having met her, wish for night of separation becomes dominant!!
है मौजज़न इक क़ुल्ज़ुम-ए-ख़ूँ काश यही हो
आता है अभी देखिए क्या क्या मिरे आगे
How I wish it is the worst so far and no more! Oh this life is like a deep river of blood, rippling with high waves!!
I just wonder what all is in store for me in future!
गो हाथ को जुम्बिश नहीं आँखों में तो दम है
रहने दो अभी साग़र-ओ-मीना मिरे आगे
I unable to even move my hand, it has no strength but my eyesight is strong !
Please let the the cup and decanter of wine, remain before me!!
हम-पेशा ओ हम-मशरब ओ हमराज़ है मेरा
‘ग़ालिब’ को बुरा क्यूँ कहो अच्छा मिरे
Oh you the stranger do you know Ghalib? His and my profession is the same, as is our ideology and secrets we share !!
He is good! Why do you give him a bad name in my presence?
Shailly and Ruhaan Kapoor (son) have sung this gazal as a pair. Ruhaan when he was 8 years old tried the matla ( first sher) of this gazal and here she has used that recording.
Ustad Farid Ayaz ( born 13.11.1952) and Ustad Abu Muhammad ( born 13.09.1960 ) are brothers who have specialised in quawwali singing with emphasis on Sufi thought and singing. The family belongs to Delhi Gharana although they are Pakistani singers. Their father shifted to Pakistan in 1956.
Mohammed Rafi sings this gazal. Observe the clear diction, perfect pronunciation and feel for the underlying thought!
Shakeel Ahmed a Pakistani singer has imparted a different texture to this gazal. Enjoy his singing.
One may be discouraged because of so many difficult words but once understood, it is a beautiful composition which deserves your input of time which would open a vista of pleasurable companionship.
3rd June was the birthday of our younger daughter Prerna, who is visiting us from Austin, USA. We had a great get together, lot of fun and merriment. 8th was the birthday of my niece Nupur and 12th was the birthday of my elder brother’s daughter Padmja. Happy birthday Prerna, Nupur and Padmja!
Take care!